John Wayne 60 Lbs of Undigested Beef

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Mar 9, 2011


Minimalist Program posted:

People love to talk about how "John Wayne died with 40 pounds of impacted feces in his colon." The guy on that colon cleanse infomercial says it, the guy down the street from me says it, go to a cocktail party and within ten minutes someone says it. John Wayne died over 30 years ago, yet people still can't let go of his impacted feces.

And people talk about it with such utter contempt, they sneer as they callously remark, "Did you know that John Wayne died with 40 pounds of impacted feces in his colon? Disgusting!" Or when someone famous dies, some idiot always has to say, "Well, at least he/she didn't die like John Wayne, he died with 40 pound of impacted feces in his colon."

No, here's the truth about John Wayne and his colon full of impacted feces. John Wayne suffered for months with severe pain before dying of cancer. So because of that, he was taking large doses of pain medication. Now, one of the side effects of pain medication is constipation. Right, so of course John Wayne died with 40 pounds of impacted feces in his colon, he was so constipated from pain medication. What? Do you suppose he should've stopped eating? No, you can't, you got cancer, you need your strength.

Just take a Tylenol 3 sometime, that's has codeine in it, see if you don't get impacted feces, see if you don't blow out an o-ring your next bowel movement. Because I guarantee, if you take even one Tylenol 3, the next bowel movement you take won't be a smooth move, Ex Lax.

So please leave John Wayne and his colon be, let them rest in peace. I've wanted to say these things for a long time. I hope this answered some questions. Thanks for your time.

what kind of parties do you go to?
Mar 9, 2011

this guy on this forum i used to post on was an army medic, and he told a story about disimpacting a guy's colon... the new guy, who was standing in the blast radius, got completely covered

then the guy who posted that story died mysteriously a few years later

he was a nice guy, a lot nicer than most of the posters here

Minimalist Program
Aug 13, 2010

a bone to pick posted:

Thanks for this informational thread OP, I can't go one day without hearing about John Wayne's impacted faeces and now I got something to shoot back at the naysayers.

Thanks. Thats what this thread is all about, and yoyr post validates my effort.
Nov 6, 2007

by Ralp
Please start talking about my impacted faeces.
May 25, 2010

nomadologique posted:

this guy on this forum i used to post on was an army medic, and he told a story about disimpacting a guy's colon... the new guy, who was standing in the blast radius, got completely covered

then the guy who posted that story died mysteriously a few years later

he was a nice guy, a lot nicer than most of the posters here

lol its not under pressure idiot
Sep 24, 2007

by Lowtax

Justin Tyme posted:

I bet taking a 40 pound poo poo would be one of the most sublime experiences man can enjoy

such a tragedy he couldn't have pooped before he died, to feel that last great rush

can u just IMAGINE the wipe? superb
extra stout
Feb 24, 2005


gbs is as great as ever, friends. also whoever asked about t3s- they're just 300 mg of acetominophen and 30 mg of codeine if i remember correctly, making them like the most babyish form of opiates but still enough to make you not drive a car, and not poop for a couple of days if you're not used to opiates.

if you take them after an injury or even small surgery at even half the dose they tell you to for a couple of days you'll get an insane insight to how crazy it must be to be an opiate addict, ill bet actual heroin guys can go 1 week at a time wihtout pooping, but i have not researched this sadly

Yolomon Wayne
Jun 10, 2014

You call it "The Big Bang", but what really happened is

Grimey Drawer
I didnt know about this until today.
It might come to you as a shock, but i dont give a poo poo.
Like J.W.
Oct 25, 2010

Lictor my Dictor

Whenever my colon gets impacted I just drink a lot of black coffee, also I eat hand fulls of used coffee grounds for the fiber. It once took me nearly 15 minutes to coil a poop-mold of my colon into the crapper, as Al Pacino in Glengarry Glen Ross remarked, its like taking a dump that makes you feel like you just slept 12 hours.
Mar 9, 2011


it is if there's a load of gas behind it
Minimalist Program
Aug 13, 2010

*in raid leader voice*:

its a wipe.

Nov 1, 2005

We already - What about sticking our middle fingers up... That was insane

Fun Shoe

*in John Wayne drawl*

"Well, pilgrim, at least I have chicken."

Jul 16, 2004
You know I would try to think of something funny to put here but ill just pass on that and threaten people with a + 2 board with a nail in it.
What John Wayne Gacy impacted a lot of feces? I thought it was a well known thing.
Nov 14, 2009
all around me are familiar faeces
Jul 1, 2007

One day nearer spring

this was someone else's feces

Sep 25, 2014
I never cared about John Wayne because I'm not 70 years old.

But I look forward to finding out for much feces Clint Eastwood has in his colon when he dies. He is my racist right-wing cowboy actor of choice.

May 12, 2001

by zen death robot

Grimey Drawer
Roy Rodgers had an entire Saguaro Cactus up his rear end when he died.
Jul 1, 2007

One day nearer spring

JiveHonky posted:

Roy Rodgers had an entire Saguaro Cactus up his rear end when he died.
FlimFlam Imam
Mar 1, 2007

Standing on a hill in my mountain of dreams
I just realized that John Wayne's impacted feces is having a negative impact on my feces.
Cool NIN Shirt
Nov 26, 2007

Wow op seems to have 40 pounds of faeces in his head instead of a brain
Nov 11, 2007
Lipstick Apathy
sorry op but once i start i literally cannot stop talking about it until i collapse from exhaustion.
Minimalist Program
Aug 13, 2010
What other celebs do you suspect will turn out to be full old poo when they die?
Verily I Shat
May 24, 2015

by Smythe
His real name was Marion.

Also, he was gay.

Nov 21, 2007

by Lowtax

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